Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Great TED talks -

Intelligent crows - Weird but clever.

He is great, humble and ever the optimist. Love it! Nothing like a good toilet brush to see the world straight!

I used to really hate his work because of a severe lack of understanding and stubbornness. And whilst I am still not a fan of his work I do like his approach and his sense of humour.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Cannes Lions 48 hour competition - 2008

How wrong I have been all these years. Oops

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Friday, 15 May 2009

Us Now: documentary

Us Now from Banyak Films on Vimeo.

Interesting documentary about the state of the web community at the moment and how it may be going in the future. It's all about harking back to a time when community was king and show the softer side of social media.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Sea Dragon and Photosynth

There was absolutely no reason for me previous post when you have a killer presentation like this one to watch! It's epic!


Just jotting down some links to DeepZoom which can be run on Microsoft's silverlight application.

Deep Earth
Image Zoom
Hard Rock Cafe

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Pretty sketchy

Nice blog post about sketchbooks in a sketch book style. Here

By Brooklyn based graphic designer Jason Santa Maria whose work and blog is all rather spectacular!
His work includes websites such as Objectified & Wordpress

Grand Theft Auto - Coke ad

Totally forgot about this amazing ad

Monday, 11 May 2009

RJ Shaughnessy - photographer


Sam Falls - photographer


Matthew Scott - Photography

Lots more to peruse here

Chanel no.5 - video

The colour is amazing.
Watch it HERE
Via Black Eiffel

Artemide Tolomeo Lamp XXL

I have the "normal" size version on my desk at work and have since become a little obsessed with the design of this lamp and now you can get it in XXL!

"The famous Tolomeo, icon of the Italian Design, becomes giant. In scale 4:1 relative to the table model, it's available both in indoor and outdoor versions."

Sunday, 10 May 2009


This may be horribly tacky and touristy for someone who lives here but I am a little intrigued by the paris walks. Found here. I am not sure if $12 is a little steep but it seems to have a pretty awesome backing with the likes of Louis Vuitton doing the tours in China and Puma sponsoring Running tours in various cities. The background mixes of city sounds and music could almost be worth it in itself. Have a look on the blog for sound clips. I think I may have to test one out and see.


Saturday, 2 May 2009

ummm sleep

Chase Jarvis

Chase Jarvis takes anywhere between 1 and 1000 photos on his iphone a day. This is why he is known as the best iphone photographer. But he also shoots a cracking photo of paris.

"The best camera is the one that's with you."

He is inspiring me to go out and take some photos of Paris. So I am going to hook my phone up with some editing software and take it for a spin.