Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Sebastien Tellier

Love the song. Love the video

Signs - 12 minute film

By australian director patrick hughes, for the schweppes short film festival

Monday, 30 March 2009

NNBB & Alf

Wow. More on flickr

Benoit Paillé

Amazing photographs. The colours and depth are pretty fantastic.
On Flickr

Carlo Van De Roer

Have look at more here

Business Card - Dentist

I am a sucker for business cards - especially if they look like this!

Overly judgemental IE6 Splash Pages

More here


I know it's nothing new, but some of the applications that they can be used for are starting to be more appealing. this video about using them in your home with a scanner attached to your computer is pretty terrible but it does make you think about the practical uses for them.
And then you read this and it scares the living crap out of you and you want to get as far away from a computer as possible. The Big Brother era is definitely beginning. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? I hope so.

When we are so eager to put all our information out in the world for everyone to read such as blogs, twitter and one of the worst - facebook we really do deserve what we get. You can't have your cake and eat it.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009


Poke took the albums covers they did from the crazy trend and displayed the in their loo. I like it. it's a little sad and geeky and they probably have too much time on their hands but they have fun, don't take themselves too seriously and have something cool to look at rather than us who have nothing. I think I would rather be in their camp.
Have a look.


I finally gave in and I am now the proud owner of a twitter account. Get ready for some nonsense ramblings.
"oh, by the way. I am eating a sandwich."

ELMO and Gervais

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Optical illusions

I am fascinated by this, probably because of the subject of my dissertation at college. It would have been amazing to do a similar moving image piece with the information in there.

NIRRIMI Photography

16 year old Nirrimi Joy Hakanson takes a great photograph. Her style reminds me a lot of Kalle Gustafsson which can never be a bad thing.

The photos done for monocle this month were great but I couldn't resist the polo shots!

Paris France Vs. Paris Hilton

Tim Schwartz's Paris Profect is awesome. The piece is attached via a network cable to the internet where it monitors news and search results for “paris hilton” and “paris france” and displays an average result in real-time.

Blackberry vs. apple and back the other way

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Ping Pong

I have been in awe of this video for ages now and just found it on youtube:

Done by 21.19.com with music by The wilderness collective

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

sick stuffed animals

By Jack Griffin. Have a look at more Here

CD labeling System

“Compact disc labeling concept. Each waveform accurately depicts a complete song in a 1-inch square.”

Designed by Joshua Distler.
Via lovelypackage.com

iphone instruments

Wednesday, 4 March 2009


This makes me want to listen to Radio 2 which is pretty impressive!
Agency: RKCR/ Y&R

Tribute to a great campaign that this still works so well

It doesn't get much better than this ..

Depeche Mode - Patrick Daughters

Patrick Daughters does have an impressive portfolio