Friday, 24 August 2007

Colour matching

This looks like so much fun.
Take a look at loads more Here

Thom yorke video also

This one is very clever and can remember being very impressed when I saw it at new blood.

Thom yorke video

I really liked this video that was done for D&AD by Kingston Students. Glad it won a pencil.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Helvetica Film

The Helvetica film DVD can be pre-ordered now. At long last.


Just saw these on {black.white.bliss} and think they are pretty cool. I am still lovin my pantone mugs though ...

Stranger than fiction

I have always loved the style of the title sequence to stranger than fiction. Awesome

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Women "rock-star" designers

This article Wy are there so few female "rock star" graphic designers?

Another great piece of writing by Michael Bierut. Milton Glaser's reply to the question, while probably true is very blunt.

[Glaser said] that the reason there are so few female rock star graphic designers is that “women get pregnant, have children, go home and take care of their children. And those essential years that men are building their careers and becoming visible are basically denied to women who choose to be at home.” He continued: "Unless something very dramatic happens to the nature of the human experience then it’s never going to change." About day care and nannies, he said, "None of them are good solutions."

Cool Advertising

Cheeky advertising from carlsberg - found on serif


After hearing about processing I saw this piece of infoGraphics by Sagmeister down with processing and was thoroughly impressed.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

My website is finally up and running. Still a lot to do and fix, but its a work in progress. Some of the work needs to be retouched and laid out in a more sympathetic way. I would like to have all the print work photographed and then put up, but that will take time. I want to link to my blog as well, hence to quick redesign of my blog.

Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Fly posting

Awesome posters by graphic designer Ian Brown